Donate or volunteer

Do you want to feel useful and help children living in children’s home?

You can register to volunteer or make a donation.

Thank you!



Would you like to help and make life better for the children in the children’s home? You can arrange an interview with a social worker and a psychologist where you should bring a medical certificate about your health and a certificate of non-criminality. Volunteering with a child or a group of children means continuous socializing, at least 2 times a week for 2 hours.  Contact the volunteers:
  • Nazorova: tel. 4899292
    • Maja Bukvić, psychologist
  • Laduč, tel. 3395765
    • Dijana Miloš, graduated social worker
  • A. G. Matoš, tel. 3695482
    • Đurđa Ćaćić, headmaster
  • I. G. Kovačić, tel. 4834536
    • Sandra Hajtok Marić, graduated social worker
  • Residential community
    • Iva Kelemen, odgajateljica , 0915601706
* You can help school children with learning, socializing, etc. If you are one of the above professions: carpenter, electrician, painter, etc., and you want to help with home maintenance, contact us in person or by e-mail. All ideas are welcome!



Thank you for supporting the work of the Zagreb Children’s Home (Nazorova) through a donation.

Make the payment to the IBAN listed below, and specify “donation” in the payment description.

Legal data

Children’s Home ZAGREB, Nazorova 49, 10000 Zagreb

MB:  3289745

OIB: 04517778727

Court of registry: Commercial Court in Zagreb

Institution: Children’s Home Zagreb, Nazorova 49, Zagreb

Legal form: social welfare

IBAN: HR0323900011100013767

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All user information is stored safely and available only to the employees who need those information for completing their jobs. All our employees and business partners are responsible for obiding the principles of confidentiality protection.
